Call for papers on “Adolescent Food Habits: Conceptualizing Diversit” : deadline 20 June 2010
Du 04 au 20 June 2010
de 00h00 à 00h00
For the International Symposium of December 1, 2, 3, 2010, Paris (headquarters of the CNRS – 3 rue Michel-Ange – 75016 Paris – France).
This International symposium is organised by Ocha, l’Unité d’anthropologie bio-culturelle-UMR 6578 (CNRS/Université de la Méditerranée) et le Laboratoire Cultures et Sociétés en Europe(CNRS/Université de Strasbourg) .
Working languages: French, English
Proposed contributions: Submit summary by June 20, 2010
A short presentation of your paper in French or in English (1000 to 1500 words, Times New Roman 12 single spaced) together with your bio-bibliography (10 lines maximum), for selection of contributors by the scientific advisory board is requested by June 20, 2010.
You are invited to submit your proposals by June 20, 2010:
Véronique PARDO, Anthropologist, AlimAdos coordinator: vpardo@cniel.com
Nicoletta DIASIO, Anthropologist, scientific advisor: nicoletta.diasio@misha.fr